The On-Going Adventures of GalacticGS
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A Few Hours in the Yacolt Burn State Forest April 6, 2009 I only had a few hours for a ride, so I took off north from my house into the Yacolt Burn State Forest. It was the first day in a while without rain (or snow), but it wasn't quite as clear a day as I thought it would be. I thought I might get a great view of Mt. Hood, but it was pretty much lost in the haze. I still had a great ride! Along 1000 Road, north from NE Livingston Road in north Camas
Mt. Hood is in the background, but barely visible
Along Yacolt Burn State Forest Road
Near some logging activity
Back into the hills As I rose in elevation, I started to pass through snowy patches in the road I got about a mile past the point in the picture above, and it was time to turn around to head back home. I wished I would have had more time to explore, but that will be another time and another ride! |