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Northern Baja - December 2013


Day 5 - Tuesday, December 31

Our final day would have us riding from Horsepower Ranch back to the border at Tecate. We had another great breakfast at HP Ranch, and we probably didn't leave until close to 10am. We hit the highway to Ojos Negros and got gas at the Pemex.

I had tracks for a different route out of Ojos that eventually cuts into the Compadre Trail, and had been over the route once with Tim Morton so thought we would try that. But I got a bit lost around a ranch north of Ojos, and the trail started to look a bit like the Simpson Trail so we turned around and headed back to take the Compadre Trail, which is just a blast to ride anyways.

Then Todd knew of a route that heads behind Santa Veronica that twists through the hills and ends up in Tecate. So we decided to try that out, but again got a bit lost. It was some fun trails, but we had to eventually decide to turn around and take the Compadre Trail all the way to Hwy 2, and take the pavement into Tecate. We crossed the border somewhere around 2 or 2:30pm.

Just a few pics on this last day...

Big Todd on the Compadre Trail






Another gate in Baja


Todd recognized this strange building, but we couldn't find the right trail from here and eventually rode back to the Comapdre Trail to reach Tecate


I had a fantastic time with some great riding buddies.

It was 5 days of Baja FUN!!!


Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Day 4          Day 5